
American Honda


American Honda has released the race livery of their wild card Moto2 entry for the Indianapolis GP, which sees Roger Lee Hayden riding at the helm of the bike and Kevin Schwantz managing the team’s effort. Using a Moriwaki MD600 chassis, American Honda tapped Drudi Performance to come up with the red, white, and blue Honda paint scheme. Additionally, Drudi has also designed a special set of leathers for Hayden, find them and more info after the jump.

American Honda has announced that it will field a Moto2 wild card at the 2010 Red Bull Indianapolis GP, using the Moriwaki Engineering MD600 race package for their entry. Moriwaki is one of the more popular chassis manufacturers in Moto2, with Toni Elias winning two rounds on his Gresini Racing sponsored MD600. Honda’s aim is to help promote the new GP racing class, and to also raise awareness for two good causes.