
Do You Have 20/20 Vision?

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Because motorcycles can move from lane to lane with ease, and even vary their position in a single lane with regularity, motorcyclists are sadly hard to spot when automobile drivers are accustomed only to looking out for larger slow-to-move cars that take up an entire lane’s width. Yes, as motorcyclists we impose a special duty on automobile drivers, a duty which more often than not gets pushed back onto us. This then requires motorcyclists to ride defensively. It requires us to assume a cage doesn’t see us, and is gong to move into our lane.

I am not sure that this is an issue that is going to be solved with neon vests, roadside messages, and clever ad campaigns, but you have to give credit to the State of Utah for this nice piece of marketing. A reminder that motorcycles may be hard to see, the message here is subtly and intelligently put. Perhaps so much so that it makes you wonder how it survived getting the nod from a state government in the first place. An A&R hat tip to the folks behind this ad over at Richter7.

Source: Ads of the World via Bikes in the Fast Lane
