


While the bulk of the United States is self-distancing by staying home as much as possible because of the coronavirus, right now is one of the most affordable times to ride a motorcycle or drive a car, as the average price for a gallon of gasoline continues to drop at a noticeable rate.

This is because on average, a gallon of gasoline costs the least amount of money it ever has in the past four years, and the expectation for April is that gas prices could drop to $1.75/gallon on average across the country.

In a comprehensive report of various automobile safety systems, the American Automobile Association (AAA) released intriguing findings about blindspot monitoring systems, with some thoughts as how they pertain to motorcycles.

While the driver aid systems are exactly that, systems designed to aid a driver in operating a passenger vehicle safely, AAA found that not only were drivers relying on them to heavily, in lieu of safe driving practices, but also that in certain situations the systems operated sub-optimally.

The study’s findings that pertain the most to motorcyclists are those on blindspot monitor systems, which AAA found have a hard time detecting fast-moving vehicles, and often served warnings too late for an evasive action to take place by the automobile driver.